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Please call Brad @ 954-260-5335 for an appointment prior to your visit.​​


 We have literally thousands of fish available here at the farm, If you don't see the butterfly koi you are looking for on the website doesn't mean we don't have one on the farm. Please don't hesitate to call Brad @ 954-260-5335 for more information. Please review the PURCHASING YOUR KOI page for important information regarding the purchase, shipping and care of the new koi you will receive

Shipping costs continues to go up on each fish, our fish pricing  tries to take the high cost of shipping into account. Our shipping cost is the actual cost of shipping with little to no markup.  If you wish to purchase multiple koi please call to determine the correct shipping cost for multiple koi, currently the shipping calculation will auto populate at $1000.00 for shipping over 50 lbs.

If you are making a personal visit to the farm,Tell me you saw this coupon on our website and get an additional 10% off.

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